“European Union means unity, peace, prosperity and a close mutual cooperation of all member states – European Union also helps the University of Ostrava to develop a comprehensive collaboration with eight European universities in the alliance. We care deeply about the aims of the EU and about the European values such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law that should never be taken for granted. A joint statement has thus been a natural decision taken unanimously by all NEOLAiA rectors. Let’s take an active part in building our future together. We have an opportunity to choose, let’s use our voice,” says Petr Kopecký, rector of the University of Ostrava.

Joint statement from NEOLAiA Universities Rectors/Presidents

We, the Rectors/Presidents of the member universities of the NEOLAiA European University Alliance, are particularly aware of the great importance of the European Union for the development of our universities and our regions. We are therefore making this appeal to all our students, faculty, and staff:

Our voice matters in shaping the future of Europe. Let’s participate in the upcoming European elections to make our mark on important decisions affecting our continent. Our vote counts towards a stronger, more inclusive, Europe capable of ensuring prosperity for all within the limits of the planet. Let’s ensure our voices are heard!

  • Angelica Epple, Bielefeld University
  • Arnaud Giacometti, University of Tours
  • Johan Schnürer, Örebro University
  • Lina Tamutienė, Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences
  • Petr Kopecký, University of Ostrava
  • Mihai Dimian, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Nicolás Ruiz Reyes, University of Jaén
  • Philippos Pouyioutas, University of Nicosia
  • Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno

A statement on the upcoming European Parliament elections was issued also by the Czech Rectors Conference together with the Rectors Conferences of nine other European countries as part of the Universities for Enlightenment (U4E) initiative. “We call on the politicians standing for election to ensure that European and national policies guarantee a strong commitment to Europe based on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” it says.